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American flag in courtroom with Judge hammer or Mallet of judge

What Are the Steps Involved in Adjustment of Status for Parents of U.S. Citizens?

When a U.S. citizen wants to help a parent become a lawful permanent resident, they must go through the adjustment of status process. This allows parents to apply for a green card without leaving the United States.

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Woman applying for visa in embassy office giving passport

How Does the Adjustment of Status Process for the Spouse of a U.S. Citizen Work?

The adjustment of status process allows the spouse of a U.S. citizen to apply for lawful permanent residence (a green card) while remaining in the United States.

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Immigrants consulting with attorney in her office

Can a Lawyer Speed Up My Immigration Case?

The process of immigration in the United States is often long, challenging, and stressful. For individuals working through the immigration system in Texas, the wait times can be particularly burdensome, as the state is one of the busiest for immigration applications due to its proximity to the U.S.-Mexico border and its large immigrant population.

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Male cop in uniform check female driver on road

Can Undocumented Immigrants Get a Driver's License in Texas?

At the M Mathew Law Firm, PLLC in Dallas, Texas, I’ve come to understand in my practice that the ability to drive legally in the United States is crucial for many individuals.

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Immigration Law Book and Gavel

A Helping Hand: A Guide to Immigration Letters of Support

As an immigration law attorney born and raised in India, I understand firsthand the challenges and emotions tied to the immigration process. Since establishing my practice in 2013, I’ve had the privilege of helping many individuals through their journey to becoming residents or citizens of the United States.

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Woman having meeting in US immigration office

Who's Eligible for Immigration Amnesty?

Immigration amnesty is a term within immigration law often used to describe legal relief provided to undocumented immigrants, allowing them to gain legal status and remain in the country.

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Judge Gavel on the Table

The Biden Administration’s Parole-in-Place Announcement

The Biden Administration's Parole-in-Place Announcement is a new policy initiative that grants legal protections and benefits to nearly 500,000 undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens.

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Man, woman, and child with US flag in background

U.S. Immigration Costs to Increase April 1, 2024

The immigration and naturalization process, while rewarding, can be costly and, at times, confusing. One way to alleviate some of that confusion and prepare financially is to stay informed about any updates and changes in the process. In late January, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced changes in U.S. immigration costs that will take effect on April 1, 2024.

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Couple Involved In Car Crash With Male Driver

What to Do as an Injured Passenger

Trying to handle the aftermath of a car accident is difficult, especially when you're the injured passenger. As a personal injury lawyer at M Mathew Law Firm, PLLC, based in Dallas, Texas, I frequently encounter clients who are uncertain and anxious about their rights and the legal process that follows such unfortunate incidents.

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Paramedic placing cervical collar to injured women after accident

What to Expect Following Your Accident

Navigating through life after an accident can be a daunting endeavor. As a personal injury attorney based in Dallas, Texas, I've had the privilege of guiding countless clients through this challenging process.

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