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Naturalization process law and USA flag with pen

Appealing a Naturalization Denial

In the last fiscal year (October 2021 through September 2022), some 967,400 adult immigrants became U.S. citizens through the naturalization process. If you factor in children who were able to gain citizenship from their parents, the figure rises to 1,023,200 new citizens. However, during the same period for FY 2022, about 14% of citizenship applicants were denied.

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Book with Title Immigration Law on A Table

I Committed a Crime But Am Married to a U.S. Citizen. Can I Get a Visa?

You married a U.S. citizen while living abroad and now want to join your spouse in the United States, but you fear that something you did can place a barrier in your path. While abroad, you committed a crime and now have a record that will have to be dealt with not only on your visa application, but also in person in any subsequent interview.

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Close-up of clipboard with usa visa application form

My Parents Are Citizens, But I’m Not. Can I Get a Visa?

Immigrating to the United States is the dream of people from all across the world. For many, this may mean that you first entered the country illegally, but may later try to become a documented citizen. This process will look different depending on how you arrived here and whether you have any family members who are currently U.S. citizens.

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N-400 Application for Naturalization and Certificate of Naturalization Lies on US Flag

Understanding the Naturalization Process

Becoming a U.S citizen is an essential accomplishment in the life of immigrants and lawful permanent residents in the country. When you become a U.S citizen, you will be eligible to vote in the U.S. elections, help family members migrate to the country, travel with a U.S. passport, and enjoy all other citizenship rights. Naturalization can be described as the process through which a foreign national or immigrant living in the United States or a lawful permanent resident (green card holder) becomes a U.S. citizen.

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Child on his dads shoulder waving the american flag

What If I Get Deported but My Children Were Born in the U.S.?

For generations, people have been coming to the United States in hopes of making a better life for themselves and their families. However, sometimes those who are still in the process of obtaining lawful residence run the risk of being deported.

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Impact of Criminal History on Green Card & Citizenship

A criminal record, whether in your home country, the United States, or another country, affects your ability to be approved for a green card or citizenship in the U.S. Although a criminal history complicates the process, it does not necessarily prohibit you from approval for either.

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Responding to NOID and NOIT

When you have to leave behind a place you call home to start a new chapter of life, it is extremely difficult. Navigating a journey because of a complex legal process is emotional.

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