
Tips for Immigration Marriage Interview
If you are a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident (LPR) with a green card and you have married a foreign national who wishes to achieve LPR status, then an interview will be scheduled by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
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Request for Evidence and Notice of Intent to Deny
People from across the world immigrate to the United States for countless reasons, whether it’s for economic opportunities, to reunite with family members, or because they married a U.S. citizen. Whatever your reason, you have to go through the proper channels, which can take years to complete.
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What Is the Stop-Time Rule?
If you are a non-citizen currently living in the United States, there are certain circumstances that could result in your deportation. The laws surrounding deportation can be difficult to understand, especially given that lawmakers pass new immigration rules every year. One such rule is called the “stop-time rule.”
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Immigration Arrest. What Should You Do?
Immigration arrests and deportations are serious issues in Texas. In the fiscal year 2022, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reported 142,750 immigration arrests and 72,177 deportations. These figures represent a 93% and 22% increase from the fiscal year 2021. That is why newcomers to the U.S. must get the right legal representation to protect their rights.
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I'm a Citizen. How Can I Help My Family Member Become a Permanent Resident?
As a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, you may be eligible to help your family members immigrate to the United States and become lawful permanent residents (green card holders) using your familial connection.
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I Entered Illegally But Married a U.S. Citizen. Can I Get a Visa?
Marriage to a U.S. citizen can provide a pathway to obtaining lawful permanent residence for some individuals who entered the United States illegally. However, there is no guarantee that an individual who entered the country illegally will be eligible for a visa if they marry a U.S. citizen, so it’s essential to understand the process involved before taking any steps toward applying for one.
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